Japońska sztuka masażu bazująca na głębokiej wiedzy i doświadczeniu wypracowała kanon prawie 100 specjalnych technik po to by uzyskać efekt odmłodzenia porównywalny z tym jaki dają inwazyjne...
Kobido rytuał (masaż, ampułka, maska)
Japońska sztuka masażu bazująca na głębokiej wiedzy i doświadczeniu wypracowała kanon prawie 100 specjalnych technik po to by uzyskać efekt odmłodzenia porównywalny z tym jaki dają inwazyjne zabiegi medycyny kosmetycznej . Kobido oznacza "Starożytną drogę do piękna". Intensywny masaż w naturalny sposób niweluje oznaki upływu czasu oraz napięcia w obrębie twarzy, szyi, karku, głowy i pleców. Na zakończenie rytuału pod maskę kawiorowo – algową o właściwościach odżywczych na twarz nakładana jest ampułka Diamond Lift, która odmładza i ujędrnia skórę.
Japoński lifting twarzy to niepowtarzalna sztuka masażu, która oznacza "Starożytną drogę do piękna". To jeden z najstarszych masaży świata. Podlega ściśle określonym regułoo, kt&oa...
A classic head massage can help you get rid of the pain, calm your nerves and relax. It strengthens the hair and improves its condition.
Give some rest to your tired feet. A massage of the sole and the dorsum of the foot improves blood circulation and relaxes tense muscles.
The most universal and the most common form of massage with a relaxing effect.
Techniques used in this kind of massage directly influence muscles, tendons, joint capsules, skin, connectiv...
The most universal and the most common form of massage with a relaxing effect.
Techniques used in this kind of massage directly influence muscles, tendons, joint capsules, skin, connective tissue, adipose tissue, nerve endings in the skin, as well as circulatory and lymphatic systems.
Calm and relaxing whole body massage reduces pain, relieves tension and reduces the effects of everyday stress. It helps you relax and calm down.
The most universal and the most common form of massage with a relaxing effect.
Techniques used in this kind of massage directly influence muscles, tendons, joint capsules, skin, connectiv...
The most universal and the most common form of massage with a relaxing effect.
Techniques used in this kind of massage directly influence muscles, tendons, joint capsules, skin, connective tissue, adipose tissue, nerve endings in the skin, as well as circulatory and lymphatic systems.
Calm and relaxing whole body massage reduces pain, relieves tension and reduces the effects of everyday stress. It helps you relax and calm down.
When touching the body, warm volcanic stones give away their valuable energy and restore its regular flow. They deeply warm the body, accelerate blood circulation, relax muscle tension, have soothi...
When touching the body, warm volcanic stones give away their valuable energy and restore its regular flow. They deeply warm the body, accelerate blood circulation, relax muscle tension, have soothing and relaxing impact on the massaged parts of the body.
This treatment is recommended for stressed and tired people, who suffer from increased muscle tone. It's also desirable in the treatment of rheumatism, muscle and joint problems as well as nerve pain. Hot stone massage relieves tension, improves blood circulation and helps to restore the natural psychological and physical balance.
When touching the body, warm volcanic stones give away their valuable energy and restore its regular flow. They deeply warm the body, accelerate blood circulation, relax muscle tension, have soothi...
When touching the body, warm volcanic stones give away their valuable energy and restore its regular flow. They deeply warm the body, accelerate blood circulation, relax muscle tension, have soothing and relaxing impact on the massaged parts of the body.
This treatment is recommended for stressed and tired people, who suffer from increased muscle tone. It's also desirable in the treatment of rheumatism, muscle and joint problems as well as nerve pain. Hot stone massage relieves tension, improves blood circulation and helps to restore the natural psychological and physical balance.
It's a procedure which is performed manually and gives an unusual effect of firming and relaxation. A face massage naturally exfoliates the dead skin, effectively improves blood circulation in ...
It's a procedure which is performed manually and gives an unusual effect of firming and relaxation. A face massage naturally exfoliates the dead skin, effectively improves blood circulation in the skin, making it more nourished and firm.
It is a form of a classic massage which focuses mainly on the therapeutic effect. During the procedure, the masseur focuses on the muscles and the surrounding painful area. Among all known methods ...
It is a form of a classic massage which focuses mainly on the therapeutic effect. During the procedure, the masseur focuses on the muscles and the surrounding painful area. Among all known methods of massage, classic therapeutic massage is one of the most effective forms of treatment for the musculoskeletal system diseases.
A series of treatments is recommended in order to achieve optimal results.
Slimming massage involves kneading of body fat, which is accumulated mainly on the abdomen, thighs, hips and shoulders. It disintegrates fat cells, removes excess fat, improves metabolism, accelerates...